Sunday, 25 July 2010

My brother....

Today well this evening i learned that my brother had been subject to a gang beating by 11 teenagers, 5 of which were girls. All between 16 - 18 and from Saxton Road in Abingdon. They stole nothing, literally a beating for no reason.

Now my brother is a twerp to be honest but i love him dearly and i find so much of me in him. This has really shocked me to my core and is the exact reason why i moved from Oxford and why i hate chav types.

I have personally been subject ot a cruel and menacing attack by about 8 people before and i know how terrifying it is and the pain physically and mentally it causes.

I don't understand why pick on him? he was walking home from work at about 1am and they just attacked him for no reason. I know my brother would have his mp3 player on and he does look a bit monged sometimes but he is a good lad and doesn't do fighting. He was shit at it as a kid, he is just passive and non-violent.

This has made me think about my past and what is to come from the future. I was (still am to a degree) violent and very aggressive. In the last few years i have mellowed and taken that part of me away. I retired if you like from fighting.

Now, if you know anything about this attack or may be able to point me in the right direction i would be most grateful and no names will be given to the vile humans that did this. I will seek them out and i will break them. It will take me time but i will reek revenge on the scum that did this. Be warned if you know of teens in the Saxton Road area, i will be coming down south and i will be sorting people out. I am a fucking maniac when i lose my rag and i am sick to death of these low life's getting away with it, not just cause of my brother but in general i really have a dislike for these cowards. My sister lives on Saxton Road not by choice i would like to add. I don't want my nieces and nephew growing up around this sort of behaviour and they obviously are lacking in discipline and need to be taught a fucking lesson.

on another note but linked. I felt queer all night last night, thinking of my mum a lot and my siblings and all day I've been uneasy. It may well be a coincidence but its a bloody strange one. I do think this sort of thing, which happens often, is due to my ever increasing interest in spirituality. My scientific brain knows better a lot of the time but when things like this occur and the increased amount of it happening i do think there may be something in it all. I think i may be slightly responsive to my family on a different level. Maybe something from being away from them for so long means my psychic connection is strong with them.

I am very pissed off, i do not use the word hate a lot any more, i find little use to holding onto a negative emotion but when it is so close to home and the group of people i have found a common denominator when bad shit happens, i have to hate them.

I've even looked at how much to rent a house in Oxford, i am so happy in Cumbria with all my friends but i think my family needs me, my sister needs me home to be her big sister and Alex needs me too, his reasons are different and i ain't willing to discuss them but with my experience of life i know he is heading down a bad path. I miss my mum & dad, my little sisters, everyone. My nan needs someone to share the care of my granddad, as much as she thinks shes alright, i know its too much for her. I don't know what to do. if i go home i will be very miserable, i hate Oxfordshire so much, i don't like being there but my family are there and will not be moving.
its such a big sacrifice to make, i don't know if i am ready for that sort of test or challenge.

last word: ANGER! xx

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