I now have 3 tattoos! the strange tribal christian fish thing and 2 stars on my hands.
The fish thing, was a first time, straight out the book job. I hope that my good friend, Ian will be able to make it into a cap sleeve, whih will look awesome!
As of yesterday i now have 2 tattoos, one on each of my hands. They are 2 stars in a collection i will eventually have. I want a star for my parents, sisters & brother & my nieces and nephew. so 10 stars in all! the 2 on my hands are a bit of a ongoing project as i also want the names of my sisters and brother next to the stars. Bethany and isobelle on one hand and charlie & Alex on the other. I want to do this to show my love and loyalty for my family and so they know every time i see my hands i see them & of our love for one another. To me that is ppossibly the most beautiful thing to do. be etched with their names for the rest of my life, i will forever have them next to me at all times. that to me means so much.
Tattoo's are funny things, my first was supposed ot be my only one! as ive grown older and wiser i understand my mistake in getting a tattoo cause the design is popular :( so hopefully i can turn it into a nice tribal design i am proud of. This time the tattoos mean something and i am so proud that i chose my hands for them. i know very few people who have hand tattoos, they seem to be reserved for the hard men or completely covered tattooed people, sort of the last taboo when it comes to tats, well apart from the face! it is something i cannot hide, i don't want ot hide them. i want people to see my love for my family. Several people have said ill find it difficult if i want a job, but you know what if a company looks down their nose at me for the illustration of my skin, then i don't want to work for them!
I want more though, there is the tribal cap to do, i need a artist to do a fairy, unicorn, rainbows, clouds and bright colours on my right arm & i also want a paw print to show my love for my animals. I want 'the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat' on my left wrist and 'A friend in need's a friend indeed, A friend with weed is better; A friend with breasts and all the rest, A friend who's dressed in leather' on the right. As well as the names on my hand and the further 10 stars and possibly a diamond with my nan and grandad's name underneath. oh and a rose that my friend designed for me about 5 years ago to go on my leg. All my tattoos will now be for a reason. I want to make my body a illustration of me, of who i am.
If there are any budding artists out there who fancy someone to 'practice' (you already know how to tattoo tho) then please get in touch. i have meagre funds for tattoos so its a bit of a plea!
dale had his first tat too! he got 4 paw prints going up his calf. 1 for each of our 4 dogs. Very sweet and look brilliant! was very proud of him!
Oh and i can also conclude hand tattooing is right hard to do cause of the skin and its stretchiness and it fucking knacks too!! i was a big girl and ended up enjoying it! prhaps more than i should lol
i am now debating on getting my septum done.....will need to consult with dale first mind! lol
heres a couple of pics to see what we had done xxx
pawprints are dead cute and i like the stars :)