Sunday, 29 August 2010

Things i thought about yesterday....

A pretty average day, these are some of the things i think about.....i've decided ill try and keep note every day so you can see a little part of the daydream world i seem to live in! 

  • I have a 5mm x 2mm square of skin gone from the underside of my forearm. Now i had wondered what this was as it was such a weird place for me to cut myself and deeply and not have felt anything....odd. Now Dale is naughty he plays on my imagination and well i get confused with what i am supposed to think, this worries me. In the last year my mind is playing more tricks on me and i seem to be living in a world where real life is too much for me and i have kept myself inside a bubble, my world. It's warm and fuzzy with a hint of strange! I seriously believe in aliens, there is a mass of evidence behind it and i suppose i will discuss it with you at some point but that's a whole other post! Any way this hole, Dale suggested it may be from a implant from my 'friends', this stirred something inside and now thinking about it, it well could be they took a tissue sample. Now sanity does kick in somewhere cause i know this cannot be true but it bloody well is! Aggggghhhh! my two brains thing happens!! unable to decipher what the hell i think of it and the probabilities become is bizarre though.
  • Whilst on the alien subject...Cumbria is massively active with craft. Dale and i have both seen strange lights in the sky, some bigger than others. Some are moving, some are static for nearly 20 mins....I'd like to spend the night up on Hartside summit watching the skies....they visit me regularly for downloading my cache of memories, thoughts and feelings....leaving me full of happiness and love. Something happens, i see them and they fix it, they make it all go away and i get a fresh slate.
  • Giving up smoking. It's being doing my head in for about 6 months and its getting worse. Now i don't mind smoking spliffs but i am finding it increasingly annoying that i light a fag and half way through i either put it out or give it away. I LOVED smoking, i now think about the £50 we would save each week and how it would be better for me. I also promised my niece & my little sisters that i would give up...they don't want me to die. That scares me that they think about it. I think i'll visit the doctor at some point for some advice and some patches, lets kick this mutha!
  • My Grandad. I miss him and think about him a lot. 
  • New tattoo....i need names on my hands, my stars need re-inking and and.....i basically want to be covered! lol
  • Making cannabis legal. Its something i am quite passionate about. The benefits of making it legal total outweigh the negative. I really should become a active member of LCA....
  • The corn in the fields looks like Farmville.
  • Is the work i am putting in spiritually going to give me a good rebirth or perhaps obtain the holy grail, Enlightenment. My life has changed for the better, being the person i am now i derive so much pleasure and happiness from. Being kind and loving to all really does work. Passing on a smile is such a good way of sharing some love. Compassion is everything to me, to serve every sentient being is for me. It's a learning curve but selfless acts make franny happy as well as the rest of the world. I bring love and joy wherever i can. I let people have a safe part of my bubble to rest and be relaxed. Change is positive, we all need to change. Tiny steps is that is needed.
  • Before i am 40 i will have earned my first cool £100,000. I will be living in Europe and own my house and eventually achieving the goal i set myself at well 7 or something, to buy my mum a house with a pool. lol This is all by the way being funded by my photography. I will be earning proper money from it....soon.
  • I love my books. I have something like 70 books all on spirituality, mainly buddhism and Krishna concious stuff.
  • Realising Dale and i are not typical Big Brother viewers. 3 callers all with stupid names like Shazzney. fucks sake....
There you go there is 

1 comment:

  1. Unusual as always :) I love you lol.

    About the alien thing - agreed, despite the fact that Xander mocks me every time I mention it.

    And btw, good luck moving to Europe. You'll hate it trust me :(
